Millennial Women and Their Mental Health

Every generation has a defining word. The word for the Millennial Generation is: STRESSED. Numerous surveys conducted by the American Psychological Association found that millennials experience twice as much anxiety as the generations before and are much less equipped to manage it.

Some other words to describe the Millennial Generation are: ambitious, highly educated, confident, and entitled. Millennials are addicted to ambition in an academic and professional climate of intense competition and debt. However, this generation also lives in an age with limitless options for material goods, media content, career possibilities, and lifestyles. They are paralyzed by choice, ambition addiction, career crises, debt and, most significantly, a lack of connection. These stressors all lead to poor sleep and eating habits and an inclination towards unhealthy coping strategies like substance and Internet abuse and involuntary isolation.

It is this isolation that truly hurts millennials! Much of their stress and psychological burden are lessened significantly by connecting to a supportive social network. This is the call we are answering at Counseling Space, P.C. with our Support Group: “MILLENNIAL MINDS!” for Millennial Women.

Why millennial women? Because millennial women are the MOST stressed: 51% losing sleep worrying at night compared to 32% of men. Millennial women based in just New York experience depression 15 more days per year than millennial men.

Our supportive group sessions start on Tuesday, September 19th (see flyer for more details). Over the next 3 Mondays, we will share valuable insights into the stress and future outlook for millennials in our MILLENNIAL MONDAYS blog post series! In light of next week’s Labor Day celebrations, our upcoming post will touch on the bold entrepreneurial spirit of millennials.

If you want to learn about our group, or are interested in seeking individual services, click here to schedule a free consultation.

In the meantime, please feel free to share the flyer and information in this post with those you believe it would benefit.

Stay tuned for next Monday’s post, and have a great week!


The Millennial Entrepreneurial Spirit


Politically Stressed