Leslie Garcia Leslie Garcia

Practical Strategies for Behavior Change

Habits are something we all have, good or bad; they are ingrained into our behavior. They can be hard to break, but that does not make them impossible to change. With time, motivation, and dedication, it is possible to change.

Habits are something we all have, good or bad; they are ingrained into our behavior. How habits form is due to constant repetition, enough that our body and mind think it is natural for this behavior. Some habits can become detrimental to our physical and mental health, and it is imperative that these habits change.

Understand that your habit may not be the best for you, to do so, consider these methods to change your behavior. Please note that changing habits is not something that can happen instantly; it does take time and effort, but if your mind is determined to change, then it will make the process easier.

  • Right mindset. Change may seem daunting, especially if these habits were created as coping mechanisms, but change is possible. Having the right mindset can impact how susceptible we are to the concept of change. Understand that this habit you have may not be the best habit to have; it might not be a productive habit or a form of overindulgence.

  • Know what triggers this habit. To change a habit, change your environment to one that allows you to be more susceptible to change. Understanding your triggers means you can possibly eliminate them and not risk falling back into the original habit.

  • Find alternatives to reduce stress. Typically, habits are created as a coping mechanism, something that boosts your dopamine, but again, some of these methods are not considered the best option. When trying to change your habit, there is a point where you can feel the urge to go back to that coping mechanism, but you know you cannot, and stress accumulates. Find alternatives or compromises to release this stress.

Habits could be hard to break, but that does not make them impossible to change. With time, motivation, and dedication, it is possible to change. Of course, this can only happen with the right mindset before, during, and after the process. Be open to changing your habits. Be confident and positive that your efforts are making a difference. Be proud when you start a new habit that is more beneficial for yourself.

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